Flashing Linux to NAND

Post date: Feb 11, 2011 4:56:13 AM

If you want to try Linux (Ubuntu) on your MK802IV or T428 device without multiple flashing or SD cards, please try this approach.


A Windows PC with Rockchip's standard firmware upgrade application "RKAndroidTool v1.37" and "7-Zip" installed.


  1. Download the following files:

    1. loader: (MK802IV) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99O3A0dDe67WDNmU2ZHR0NVb0U

    2. (T428) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99O3A0dDe67UHFzMUVwLWNxYm8

    3. parameter: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99O3A0dDe67NW5KNDhxVk4xTkU

    4. kernel: (MK802IV) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99O3A0dDe67M2dLeE1SeHpOT2s

    5. (T428) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99O3A0dDe67NV9NdHcwQ2JtSUE

    6. boot: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99O3A0dDe67R0tTTEFIU2FvN3c

    7. system: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99O3A0dDe67bWZEYjktbWZ3ZDg

  2. Unzip the system file to create a file called "linuxium-ubuntu1204-rfs.img"

  3. Prepare your device for flashing by attaching it to your Windows PC as per usual

  4. Execute the "RKAndroidTool v1.37" application and delete the NAND by selecting "EraseIDB"

  5. Select the check boxes for Loader, parameter, kernel, boot and system, select and update the paths for the downloaded Loader, parameter, kernel, boot and system files and then flash by selecting "Run"

  6. Disconnect your device from the PC and boot it.

  7. Once it has finished booting press "alt&f1" to get a login prompt

  8. Login as "linuxium" with "p" for password and enter "sudo su -"

  9. Now enter "mount -o remount,rw /dev/mtdblock0 /" followed by "reboot"

  10. Your device will then reboot, perform a "fsck" and do a further reboot before showing the (lightdm) login screen

  11. Again login as "linuxium" and open a terminal

  12. Enter "sudo su -" followed by "resize2fs /dev/mtdblock0"

  13. Now configure wifi (on wlan0) and then reboot

Your device should now be working running Ubuntu. I recommend that you then run an "aptitude update" followed by an "aptitude upgrade".

Recommended packages to install include "ssh openssh-server tightvncserver cpufrequtils chromium-browser".

Many thanks for all the earlier feedback that inspired this approach.